
We specialize in one thing: helping pre-medical students ace their MCAT and get into medical school.

All articles by MCATCracker


Applying to Med School: AMCAS 2018 is OPEN!

The time has come for the entering class of 2018 med school hopefuls to APPLY! As of May 2nd the American Medical College Application Service aka the AMCAS 2018 is OPEN! It’s the BIG one. This application is massive and meticulous so get on it ASAP.   With the exception of the schools in Texas, the...
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MCAT Section Breakdown: Biological & Biochemical Foundations of Living Systems

This is Part 1 of a series of breakdown posts that will outline the MCAT. We’ve actually done a series like this before but since then we’ve learned a lot more about the test and here at MCAT Cracker we like to keep you up to date with the latest and greatest. So without further ado… Biological...
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MCAT 2017 Registration is Open!

You’ve been preparing for this day for a long time and now it’s time to set a date! Are you ready for the MCAT? Let’s talk about what you need to now about registering for the Medical College Admission Test in 2017!   Firstly you’ll need to create your AAMC ID here!   Registration for test...
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Creating Your MCAT Study Guide!

Preparing for the Medical College Admission Test is a daunting undertaking and you need a proper plan of action to succeed! If you’ve been following along the blog for a bit the idea of creating your own personalized MCAT study guide has come up before so now let’s really get into it! There are actually...
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Applying to Med School: AMCAS 2017 is OPEN!

The time has come for the entering class of 2017 med school hopefuls to APPLY! As of May 1st the American Medical College Application Service aka the AMCAS is OPEN! It’s the BIG one. This application is massive and meticulous so get on it ASAP. With the exception of the schools in Texas, the AMCAS...
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Should You Retake the MCAT?

Maybe you freaked way out on test day or your scores turned out wildly unbalanced. For whatever reason you might be considering retaking the MCAT, deciding to retake really depends on you! Here are things to consider when facing the decision to relive test day…   The Rules. First off, you need to know the...
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Benefits of Joining a Pre-Med Organization

Imagine that crowded and bustling organization fair at the beginning of each semester. There is likely a wide range of different pre-med or pre-health professional organization tables vying for your time and membership. There’s really a lot out there so how do you choose? Or perhaps… You may have strolled through that fair and thought...
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Choosing The Medical School For You

Now that you’ve had time to sit with the AMCAS this summer and now comes the daunting task of figuring out where you’ll want to attend medical school! The deciding process can be exciting and fun but also nerving and stressful. According to the AAMC an applicant applies to an average of 15 med schools!...
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Applying to Med School: Early Decision Program!

The Early Decision Program (EDP) is an elusive, exclusive, and may be an alluring option but there a few important things to keep in mind so let’s review! What is it exactly? The Early Decision Program gives you the opportunity to secure acceptance from one school by October 1, while allowing time to apply to other schools if...
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Applying to Med School: AMCAS 2016 is NOW OPEN!

*NOTE: This post is from last year & is now outdated. Looking for the latest? Go here.*   This past week the American Medical College Application Service aka the AMCAS 2016 officially opened! This application is a huge undertaking and it may seem a little early but it’s completely advisable to start now. The AMCAS is...
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The New MCAT: What The First Test Takers Are Saying!

CONGRATS to the first test takers of the new MCAT! So what’s the verdict?   Was test day a complete unprepared fail? A complete crash and burn?…   …or maybe a pleasantly surprised victory? Were you like Bill and remembered all your science?     The word on the street aka Reddit and the SDN...
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Applying to Medical School: The Interview!

The admissions process is long, stressful, and at times it feels like a lot of waiting and uncertainty. During this trying time there’s one clear sign in the process before a rejection or a congratulations letter that your doing well… getting the call or email about setting up an interview! Reaching this point in the...
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MCAT 2015 Registration is Open!

The day has finally arrived! Drum roll please… MCAT 2015 registration is officially open! Are you excited?  …Or completely freaking out?   It’s here! The all-new MCAT rolls out in April & registration is opened for the April – June dates!   Go forth with your AAMC ID and register to conquer the MCAT here!...
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5 Awesome YouTube Channels for MCAT Studying!

Registration for the all-new big, bad MCAT 2015 opens soon (like next month soon) and while you’re tirelessly hitting the books studying sometimes a nice visual aide in the form of a YouTube video can be a nice break or even a new perspective for understanding a difficult concept! While you cannot rely solely on...
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Applying to Med School: Letters of Recommendation

Applying to med school is a long, trying process and while your probably stressing out already taking the new MCAT soon, it’s time to start thinking about your application too! If you’re currently studying to tackle the new MCAT 2015, you’re most likely planning on applying to enter med school in the Fall 2016. Which...
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MCAT 2015 Tools & Resources

With the first round of the new MCAT just around the corner now let’s talk about the range of your study arsenal! A lot of MCAT resources out there are outdated and tailored for the old/current test rendering them to be of little real help for the MCAT 2015 beast! The word beast is not...
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MCAT 2015 Study Tips!

The big, bad MCAT 2015 has got some pre-meds running for the hills, no really. The drastic changes to the Medical College Admission Test are looming and many students are going to great lengths to avoid the new MCAT 2015 before it rolls out in April. Testing centers are all booked up before April and...
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MCAT 2015 Breakdown: Introduction Guide to the All-New MCAT!

Starting in April 2015 the completely revamped Medical College Admission Test rolls out and to put it simply: IT’S A LOT! In case you’ve missed it, here on the blog we’ve discussed the changes in the MCAT 2015 and even had a series of posts breaking down each individual section of the MCAT 2015 so...
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MCAT Study Motivation!

Hey! How’s studying for the MCAT going? Great? Just all right? Let’s take a minute to talk about motivation. The Medical College Admissions Test is no easy feat and the many (necessary) hours preparing for it can be grueling. The feeling of burning out is a common occurrence for many Pre-Meds and can really throw...
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MCAT 2015 Section Breakdown: Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills

This is Part 4 of a series breaking down each section for the new MCAT 2015. Be sure to check out the whole series to get the full rundown of all things new with the upcoming MCAT 2015 because this really is a whole new ballgame! The new sections really aren’t just revamped versions of...
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MCAT 2015 Section Breakdown: Psychological, Social, and Biological Foundations

This is Part 3 of a series breaking down each section for the new MCAT 2015. Be sure to check out the whole series to get the full rundown of all things new with the upcoming MCAT 2015! These really aren’t just revamped versions of the old 3 sections: Biological Science, Physical Sciences, and Verbal...
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MCAT 2015 Section Breakdown: Biological & Biochemical Foundations of Living Systems

This is Part 2 of a series breaking down each section for the MCAT 2015. Starting in April 2015 no more broad straight-forward sections, now it’s 1) Biological and Biochemical Foundations of Living Systems, 2) Chemical and Physical Foundations of Biological Systems, 3) Psychological, Social, and Biological Foundations and 4) Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills....
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MCAT 2015 Section Breakdown: Chemical & Physical Foundations of Biological Systems

This is Part 1 of a series breaking down each section for the MCAT 2015. As you know, starting in April 2015 a completely revamped MCAT rolls out and the changes to what you need to know are huge! Instead of the broad bland sections of Physical Sciences, Biological Sciences, and Verbal Reasoning the MCAT...
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MCAT 2015 Survey

online poll by Opinion Stage...
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1000 Facebook Likes by MCAT Testers

Thank you all for helping us reach 1000 likes on Facebook. You rock! We thank you for your support and we promise more exciting things to come. In light of this milestone, as a thank you to everybody, we are giving out $10 for your MCAT preparation. To redeem, go to within the next 10 days...
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MCAT Practice Test #3 is now available for the MCAT 2015

MCAT Practice Test #3 for the MCAT 2015 from your friends at MCATCracker has been officially released! Get started at
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MCAT Cracker for the 2015 MCAT

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MCAT 2015 is coming with new changes

Preparing for the MCAT is a daunting task and in the wise words of Benjamin Franklin, “By failing to prepare you are preparing to fail”. No need to panic though, this is what you’ve been training for. But incase you hadn’t heard… Starting in April 2015 a completely revamped MCAT rolls out and the changes...
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Hello world!

MCAT Cracker Blog coming soon for all pre-medical students preparing for the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT). Stay tuned!...
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